Friday, March 6, 2009

Political Problem in Madagascar

Most of the community is not aware of this, but there have been alot of serious political problems in Madagascar. A few weeks ago we thought that the trip would have to be postponed because it got so bad. One of the issues is over work stoppages in mostly the capital, Antannanarivo, however it also is affecting the villages. In a two day protest one hundred people died. Several stores were burned to the ground and people have lost their bussiness; put out of work in a minutes time. This is only one of the many political issues that has arose. Right now things are started to get out of control again, so the level of safety is going down. It is not in my hands to decide if this trip will stay as planned, and all i can do is hope and pray that the situation subsides.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Needs of the Malagasy community

I know that people have been asking how they can contribute so these are a few things I would love help with: -Any little hotel travel soaps -children books -writing material(paper,pencils,etc.) -hair ties or clips for the girls -inexpensive flip flops These are just some things that are needed by the kids especially and I would really appreciate any help in getting them by the time i leave (march 15th). Thanks to everyone for your support. This picture by the way is of a group of malagasy people washing their clothes.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Karen and Kelly are the hearts of my inspiration, and the roots of my opportunity. Last year Karen and Kelly asked if they could use the poem I had published that year. They asked if they could use it in correlation to the school they have been working towards building in Madagascar. In a way it is a private non-profit organization in which they are allowing me to contribute. From this poem, and the affirmation that has been drawn from it, has stemmed the opportunity of a life time. A chance for me to actively immerse myself in the Malagasy culture. A chance for me to nurture those who are empty; cloth those who are naked; and listen to all of those who want to be heard. However, I would not be capable of physically giving these things, if it weren't for the gift that has been given to me by Karen and Kelly.